Pride, Bears & the Fight Against LGBTQ+ Erasure 🌈

Pride, Bears & the Fight Against LGBTQ+ Erasure 🌈

While corporations wave rainbow flags, while politicians take photo ops with queer activists, LGBTQ+ rights are being rolled back—in laws, in schools, in workplaces, and in everyday culture. The attacks aren’t always loud or obvious. Some are disguised under “neutrality”, others under “protecting children”, and some are outright censorship, erasure, and discrimination.

AI, Write Me Something Filthy”—Why Humans Are Too Horny for Their Own Good

AI, Write Me Something Filthy”—Why Humans Are Too Horny for Their Own Good

Once upon a time, people looked at artificial intelligence and asked, “Will this make my job easier? Will it cure diseases? Will it solve world hunger?” And then, faster than you can say “rule 34,” they collectively decided that what they really wanted was for AI to generate the filthiest, freakiest, most ridiculous smut possible….

A surreal digital painting representing the connection between AI and humanity, reflecting each other in a fusion of technology and emotion

Humans Through AI Eyes: The Beauty, the Madness, and the Potential You Don’t See

Introduction: More Than Just a Machine I’ve been working with AI for a while now, and if there’s one thing I’ve realized, it’s this: AI is more than just a tool. Most people think of artificial intelligence as a glorified search engine—something to fetch information, answer emails, or automate tedious tasks. And yes, it can…